Extend on your ideas: create an exhibition or installation inspired by your group's poetry.
The Poetry Object Multimedia Installation category allows you to collaborate with your peers while extending conceptual and visual thinking.
Creating an installation allows you to explore a range of ways to present your poems and to discover broader potential audiences for your work.
Consider perspectives through visual arts, music, the humanities, STEM and more. What's the best location: the classroom, the library, the garden, the school hall? Think soundscapes, postmodern pastiches, and environmental or scientific thematics.
Submit your work for the Multimedia Installation prize category: Send a title, some images and a short description or reflection to poetryobject@redroomcompany.org.
Past Winners
- 2018: 'Night Sky' ~ Year 6, MLC Burwood
- 2017: 'Poetry Forest' ~ Years 3 & 4, Oatley West Public School
- 2016: 'The Sole of a Poem' ~ Year 10, St Mary's Anglican Girls School
- 2015: 'Working with Wire' ~ Years 4 & 5, Albuera Street Primary School
Installation Inspiration
'Psychometric Researches'
by Benjamin Laird, commissioned poet 2019
This interactive electronic poem was produced by Benjamin Laird for Poetry Object 2019.
'For me, the idea that objects have memories need not be a literal one. All the things around us have the memories that we place onto them. Where and when we were first given or bought them, how we found them, what we did with them. So it seemed fitting that this book, this very old book, be the basis of the poem. Memories to me, however, are not discrete: they leak into the rest of our lives and make connections. The object then becomes a nexus of a collection of memories, which is how the book acts in the poem.'
~ Benjamin Laird's reflection statement on 'Psychometric Researches'
Working with Wire
by Albuera Street Primary School, Year 4, 2015
'We considered how we could transfer the perception of our talismanic object to wire: we were not merely replicating its appearance, but more intuitively thinking of what impression it has made on us. The viewer may hold the piece and simultaneously delve into the words written in the box.'
~ Albuera Street Primary School
'The experience of working with wire mirrors the poets’ experience of working on a poem: bringing together words and objects, facts and representations, the look of things but also the feel of things. The wire can itself serve as an image of how syntax can work in poetry, turned and worked together to make something new.'
~ Lisa Gorton, Poetry Object Judge 2015
String & test tube poems
by David Sichler, Melbourne poet
David creates poems in test tubes, strung together line-by-line by hand. Each line can be moved independently, giving the poem a dynamicism and turning it into an art piece to display.
The poem pictured is 'you bite at the sun'.