Stacks was a project run by The Red Room Company which consisted of a series of poetry workshops in City of Sydney Libraries during August and the first weeks of September in 2011.

Poets facilitating the workshops included Andy Quan, Eileen Chong, Judith Bishop and Toby Fitch.

The Analogue Crusader

The facilitating poets were commissioned to create a new work that responded to the special collections of each library. These poems, as well as the poems written by workshop participants, were then incorporated into an animated pop-up book by Sydney designer Tasman Munro. The book, The Analogue Crusader, and its animation, will tour a number of libraries in the coming months. 

Check out the pictures here.

Poems to Share

Our Poems to Share cards were also installed across several City of Sydney Libraries for 40 Days of Poetry. The cards and writing exercises invited the public to pen new poems and share them with The Red Room Company. Poems written in response to the 40 Days of Poetry activities are collected online. 


Participating libraries were:

Ultimo                  Customs House
Surry Hills             Waterloo
Glebe                   Kings Cross
Newtown               Green Square Library

Poems | Hyde Park | 27 and no longer | Found | Untethered | 2P | Wasted Dreams | Alien Poem | Parrots of the mountains | lackadaisical love letter | Words in italics are from the The Doctor’s show on Triplej | Bind us to no master | Inward breath | Hermes | Ode to the new generation! | Everything | Ego | After the Call | a winter poem | Conclusively inconclusive | Our collars, iridescent violet-green | Will be money | Are you getting enough sleep? | Seaspray and spindrift | Sun-rays | There is never | Out, out brief candles | The Bed's Right Side | Ocular joy | waiting for : (my) Godot | Map me into the land | Small glacier | PAUSE | City lights and paperweights | eye for an eye | Lazy Days | Office views | Backwards over sand | Toucan | It’s the morning of lunch day with my family | S l o w m o | over night poem | Spines | A poem for my favourite bird | A common object uncommonly viewed | Operation | Wild Geese | Words on a dense wire | 10 second poem | Dusk street | In Arid Areas | Behind me the loungeroom | Hearth dig | Dee Why | Breath essential | Awake | Not here to land | Disquiet | This World of Ours | Following | Limited Time | Daring | Summer in a wheelbarrow | Escape from the Temple | rehab to redefine | Unaccustomed Customs House | Finally! Blue Skies | Mon Fils | On your poem, Mr Quan | what i see | Rivulets | Jacko | In Le Club African | A gentle stroll | I live in a bell jar | six-four-six-four | A list | babes in the ‘burbia | The Wheel | Glacier | Love is a four letter word | Fracture | Slow soak | late night radio – flicking through the channels | The minus is loveless | Poem for | Images and visions | Fertile minds | Grey Skies | A list of worries (to be whispered to a worry doll) | Spring in Sydney | i used to | Promise of Spring | Martin Place Drudgery | Ship | Careful | Library | Windows | Grade Eight | Library | The Library of Names | Library Animals