One day
you remember my eyes
how they hunt the sunrise.

 روزی چشم هایم را به یاد می آوری
که چگونه طلوع خورشید را شکار کرد

from 'My dear prison officer' by Negar Rezvani

Observed throughout the world on 20 February, the World Day of Social Justice brings awareness to issues surrounding social justice and poverty. Created by the United Nations (UN) in 2009, the day focuses on removing social barriers, supporting social integration and tackling race, gender, religious and social and economic inequalities.

In awareness of this day, we open our hearts and eyes to those in our wider community who continue to struggle for their basic daily freedoms, both corporeal and visceral.

We believe that through poetry, we can help to emancipate and elevate voices that have been dampened by oppressive cultural, political and social systems.

Poet Reflection

"When the gleam light of life was in the possession of my torturer" – Reflection –  Negar Rezvani