Real Me
Published 1 January 2021
By Dosh
God gave me an angel from above
To tell the woman, the woman that I love
I want to make come true, a fairytale
Story about me and you
All I want is you and me, kicking back
Sipping on some Hennessy, thinking back,
Bout the times we used to party hard, live it up,
And now it’s just a memory, can’t you see
It’s all about you and me, so let me wipe those
Tears from your eyes… so you can see the truth in me
The real me!!!
The one that will hold you tight
When you go to sleep at night
And the one that will be there in the morning
Bright o’dawn, and the one that will hold you up when
You’re in your darkest lows and highest highs
I wanna see you soar
I wanna see you fly
Coz baby, you are an angel in my eyes