This picture is extremely special to me
Since I've had it since I was only three
The picture was me had a kid
Saying to my parents “look what I did.”

I had been feeding them at the wallaby park
I had asked to stay there till it was dark
My parents had said no though
But they said we could come back tomorrow

Even though we didn't stay that long
I was as happy as when I'm listening to my favourite song
At first the wallabies creeped me out
But I changed my mind about quickly after I saw them jumping about

The wallaby’s licks tickled me like a feather
And to make the day better, there was perfect weather
The first wallaby I fed was a greyish brown colour
Then another one came and I thought it was its brother

When it was time to go home I was feeling so cheerful
When we got in the car I said those wallabies must be real full
This picture is extremely special to me
Since because when I'm an adult I can see how cute I used to be