A Trail of Flight
By Lily M
Published 24 September 2023
Butterflies, nature’s jewels, take flight,
In rainforest realms, they’re a vibrant delight.
Their wings are like stained glass, shimmer and gleam,
A kaleidoscope of colours, a radiant dream.
Dancing through the trees, like whispers of grace,
Their delicate flutter like a ballet in space.
In the emerald sanctuary, they find their repose,
Nature’s masterpieces, where beauty truly shows.
The rainforest is like a tapestry of life’s embrace,
Where butterflies roam leaving a trail of grace.
Their wings are like a symphony, a canvas of art,
Painting the forest with hues from their heart.
Let’s cherish this haven, where wonders reside,
Where butterflies and rainforests coincide.
For in their eerie flight, we are reminded anew,
Of the magic that nature holds, so pure and so true.