A Tree cut down for Paper, Why?
By Archie N
Published 16 September 2018
Paper so thin
With a soft and silky touch
He is soft now
But he was large and rough
it was something better
it was meant to be
A big strong tree
But became a memory
Of a harsh short past
It happens to all of us
They had no time
No time to discuss
I live here in this world
Where you live too
Why did you do this to me
This is what you do
To friends and families
What have you done
We are as innocent as can be
You know we can’t run
I was needed for life
But treated with pain
You murderers never stop
You do it again and again
A bang and a crash
It happens to all
I was innocent in every way
I never had a chance to grow tall
I was a big strong person
But cut down by an abuser
They did this to me
This isn’t my ideal future
They’ve done this to all
To all I call an ally
All trees are cut down
For paper, just Why?