Animal Rights
By Matilda B
Published 29 August 2022
Animals' suffering is so hard to bear,
Thinking how it is so cruel and unfair.
A pig was restrained and forced to breed
So its baby could be born into a world of greed.
Most people love animals, and most people hate seeing them in pain,
But will turn their backs if they have something to gain.
Most people love animals, and hate the thought of abuse,
But will invent excuses when they are killed for their use.
Most people love animals and want them to live,
But will defend their death if they have something to give.
If you love animals with all your heart
You must reject cruelty and refuse any part,
Abusing our power in the so called “Food chain” us humans using animals,
And acting so inhuman. If you care about animals as most people profess.
Then no animal deserves anything less.