Booti-Booti Beach at Night Time
By Bonnie T
Published 27 September 2024
- Waves endlessly chase the shore
- And the only light in the darkness
- Is the flickering reflection of the night sky on the water
- The noises that make it alive at day
- Go to bed for the night
- As birds say good night
- The bees go to sleep
- And the dingoes wake up
- It’s the most beautiful place to be
- But not for long
- Soon, everything changes
- And nothing is the same
- Death and home loss becomes a thick blanket of reality
- While climate change causes sea levels to rise
- People start to overfish
- And the beach erodes
- Slowly, the population of animals die down
- The once-beautiful beach is now nowhere near as beautiful
- Waves that once were filled with fish, are now filled with litter.
- Save this beach