The moon slowly rising as the sun starts to fall,
All the chatter starts to dim,
Everyone walks out to the backyard,
All starting to sing a hymn.

Celebration, celebration,
come and enjoy with me,
there are festive moments full of joy,
so why don’t you come down with me?

My relative brings some fireworks,
everyone starts to get excited.
He lights the first one, as it starts to sizzle,
smiling, he stands back looking delighted.

Celebration, celebration,
come and enjoy with me,
there are festive moments full of joy,
so why don’t you come down with me?

Bang! The firework goes up into a glitter of shimmers,
it slowly dances into the mist.
Then, a relative screams, “Fire! Fire!” like a mad dog,
my dad comes with a bucket of water to assist.

Everyone gets back into the spirit,
we go back inside to have dinner,
forgetting about what happened,
as the food starts to simmer.

Celebration, celebration,
come and enjoy with me,
there are festive moments full of joy,
so why don’t you come down with me?