Sometimes I sit on my bed and wonder is it all my fault?
I blame myself for his absence.
Why he left? What would it be like if he was here? Would it change things that have happened in the past? There are so many questions to ask him.
Mum acts like it didn’t even happen but I understand she doesn’t want to remember the things that have hurt her.
It hurts that I never got to meet him, but I bet if I look at my Dad I can see him in him. And I know my brother David is watching over me every second of the day.
This is about his blanket. He had this blanket only for a short amount of time before he died and it’s the only thing I have of his.

The blanket is blue, white and red. It has a hole in it because it is 14 years old. I never knew I had a brother until I was 8 or 9.
It kind of hurt that my Mum never told me but I understand that I was too young to know and I didn’t understand at the time.
I hope my brother’s blanket will be passed on to my children and theirs and so on.
David’s blanket is a memory, a dream, a wish, a hope and a family history.