Death surrounds me,
Singing to me softly,
Death, Death a shadow,
Spreads its wings around me,
This is how it feels when you're bent and broken,
This is how it feels when your dignity is stolen,

Death is Salvation,
I wonder if this is the end of our creation,
I hope not, but if it is, it will be,
I shall drink my last cup of tea,
I shall foresee,
And we will agree,
I have accepted my fate,
Though it might be a little late,

Death is coming,
I can hear it singing,
It is closing in,
This is the end of my kin,
I still haven’t finished my tea,
Should this be?
This shouldn’t be the end of me,

I shall comeback death,
I thou have my breath,
And it shall not be taken,
The wolf inside me shall be waken,
Die not, poor death, nor yet can’t thou kill me,
And death shall be no more; death, you shalt die,
Say your last goodbye!