Animals extinct, others almost;

Koalas, Cockatoos, and Cassowaries homeless out in the open;

Loss of habitat;

Five million dead in their animal graves;

Fifty-five species gone and never coming back;

Over ninety-two thousand hectares of koala habitat gone in a year.


Chopping down trees;

All to make products to sell to make money;

Paper is unnecessary;

Used to print what we can show digitally;

Latex rubber gloves, waste of animals lives;

Last but not least, the sponge;

Why endanger animals when you can use a scrubbing brush?


Although there are lots of bad things;

There are good things we can do;

Stuff simple as, supporting those who are helping;

Instead of using paper, why can't you just go tech;

Planting trees when and wherever you can is truly the least you can do;

So, why not begin this journey with you.