Devastating destruction
By Ashton H
Published 17 August 2022
My leaves are the world’s lungs,
My branches are the wildlife’s homes,
My roots are the soil’s nutrients,
And my canopies are the world’s shade.
Unassailable I was, but when time continued,
And man started to clear us,
Our oxygen became scarce,
Our nutrients became limited,
Our shade was not to be seen.
Forests turned into apartment blocks,
Our scarce remnants turned to paper,
Dense bushes became schools,
And animal homes became shops.
My overhanging fruit fills the world’s stomach,
My flowers blooming gives the bee’s nectar,
My roots prevent flooding on a mass scale.
I am a tree.
I stand alone in a spacious field.
Wondering if I will get water,
Or if I will just get put to the slaughter.