My life was filled with happiness and glee, which I thought would last an eternity,
Whilst I am strong, my thoughts of my family creates a painful throng,
When I was young I was innocent as a flower, now I watch hopelessly as my thoughts devour,
I now have done something so unexplainable, I would be killed if the others were enabled.
The war has created something new, but now I think as I pray on a pew.
I have suffered a loss that none can compare, this wouldn’t of happened if I didn’t take the dare.
My final words are to say, a game isn't real until you get in someone's way.
I have learnt to not toy with minds, hopefully now my rebellion will entwine.
The people say death has come, now my ears hear a faint drum.
As the noise gets the better of me, I run to hide, I now know I have chosen a side.
An old building is near, as I get closer my chest begins to sear.
An uproar erupts behind me, one of the men starts to bind me.

Once I awaken I try tell to tell them it is not my fault, although all I see is dark cobalt,
I realise this is what happens to people who stray, who disvalue their lives and hopelessly decay.
I think again and now I know,
That dares aren't just a game or a joke, they can be more serious than one can think,
But now I stand on edge of a brink.
Knowing I will be here forever, I start to think of something clever.
I can sense a presence behind me, as I think I dare them to untie me.
At first the man refuses, but I tell him that his battle loses,
I unleash my emotions, and with a movement of my hand I create a motion
A motion that will end all wrong-doing and selfishness that I intend to take
No-one can now destroy me as I am awake.