Five smiling faces,
Mama, Papa, Grandpa, Grandma and I.
A cherished memory,
Forever frozen behind a glass frame.

The tiny, plump infant,
On Mama’s lap,
Unaware of the camera’s bright flash,
Glancing away from the lenses.

Times have changed.
The innocent child I was
Is gone.
Times are forgotten.
Memories drift away,
Dandelions in the wind.

I caress the faded photo.
Memories flit through my mind.
Happily licking cupcake batter,
Grinning like a madwoman.
Soaring high on a swing,
My laughter ringing between the trees,
A melody of jubilation.

The good old days.
How I yearn to be young again!
To know nothing,
Of pain, sadness and loneliness.
To sugarcoat the world,
With imaginary delights.

Five smiling faces,
Mama, Papa, Grandpa, Grandma and I.
A cherished memory,
Forever frozen behind a glass frame.