Sand in between my small toes and my thighs.
Playing silly games with Deb and Luca.
Poking jiggly stingers at the sunrise.

I look at nice shells with my big eyes.
Different shapes and different sizes.
Sand in between my small toes and my thighs.

Playing with my friend Eve as the time flies.
Going for fun adventures in the sand dunes.
Poking jiggly stingers at the sunrise.

Waiting for the sun to begin to rise.
The smell of the ocean fills my small nose.
Sand in between my small toes and my thighs.

Oh, my! Looking at the deep, blue, bright skies.
Watching the big, strong horses run by with speed.
Poking jiggly stingers at the sunrise.

As the sun dies and the sad baby cries.
Tears rolling down, Goodbye my dear home Broome.
Sand in between my small toes and my thighs.
Poking jiggly stingers at the sunrise.