Forgotten Hearts
By Caitlin O
Published 17 September 2013
Peeking into a dusty, overlooked drawer
As I rummage in a rush
a peek of blue hits the corner of my eye
A rather small hint of royal azure
uncovers a small tangled trinket, and when unknotted
five curious small hearts swing gently back and forth
on a rusted silver chain
Without a recollection of the origins attached to this charm
I hold it to the sunlight cascading through the window
and the symbols of love capture the rays of light
resembling a chandelier dangling
Ting, ting, ting
their crystal song ricocheting and filling the musky room
Their detail becomes apparent
strawberry-cheeked petals surrounding cherry flower centres
enlaced with gold lining containing their excitement
And as the five dance to and fro
They seem to giggle at my absent mindedness
of a forgotten memory