A glowing, gleaming gem lay idly on the dresser,
Untouched for years upon years,
Going unnoticed in all its shimmering beauty,
But dust has started to descend,
And make its home on the glowing, gleaming gem.

The glowing, gleaming gem’s dust flew through the air,
As he blew it off the top of the emerald green stone.
Taking it off the dresser had left a silhouette,
A silhouette of the untouched curiosity,
The gleaming, glowing gem.

He drove slowly down the foggy forbidden roads,
With the crazy clean-cut curiosity in this jean pocket.
Unknowing that the gem was only valued sentimentally.
He thought it would fetch him a nice price,
At the local pawnbroker.

He turned a tight corner and it slipped from his pocket,
Tumbling down into the abyss between the car seats,
So it was gone forever; forgotten down below,
It used to hold such beauty and memories,
But all is gone for the beautiful gleaming, glowing gem.