Keys, medals, a fancy frame and a bumpy cup

   It feels like a frame, a picture, and a leaf

Feels like it weighs 500 grams.

        It is lighter than a book, cup, plate, a vase that is small, a small book, hairbrush, a shoe, 50 pieces of paper and 2 or more teddy bears.

    Metallic and hard

The colour is bronze and gold the gold is like the sun.

It is as small as a mug cup, but a mug could also be bigger.

  Smells like metal because it is metal.

Feels bumpy because of the shapes and smooth.

If it was destroyed or lost I would feel sad and devastated because I love it a lot. It can't get ruined because of its material. I would not give it to Ruby-Rose my dog  because she might put dog slobber all over it.

My sister would want my trophy because she likes them and gymnastics she wants to join.


   Tells me how much I love gymnastics. When I was little I wanted to go to gymnastics.

Also, when I grow up I want to be a gymnast.