Hot summer weather.
Down at the beach cooling off.
Season of the Young.

Hottest time of year.
Season of Adolescence.
Dry, searing weather.

A break in the weather.
Season of The Adulthood.
Time of red flowers.

Makuru, wet, cold.
It’s Fertility Season.
Winter time is here.

The Growing Season.
Flowering acacias.
Magpies are swooping.

Wildflower Season.
An abundance of colours.
The Season of Birth.

This poem was Highly Commended (Secondary) for Poetry Object 2017

Judge's Notes:
"A perfectly executed cycle of haiku, each titled for one of the seasons of the year as understood by first peoples. I love the way each haiku runs from weather and temperature to a place or a plant or a bird, to a human and personal experience at that time, to a naming of the season in the colonisers’ tongue. Each covers so much with so little, and the sequence seems to tell a whole geography, a whole way of being somewhere on earth."
~ Mark Tredinnick, Judge, Poetry Object 2017

Watch our Poetry Object 2017 digital exhibition: