The rhino's horn was like a warrior's sword.
Its scales are like a coating of plastic on cheese.
It is as rare as a Hectors dolphin.
The marking are like ancient traditional paintings.
The holes are like blackholes in space.
The world inside will never be known for it holds all my secrets wherever it goes.
When I play it I feel I’m back in time waiting in line for the long waterslide.
I hold my breath and played the song being instantly whisked into a different world.
Filled with music, delicious food, dance, beaches and waterslides.
I started walking through the water and realised that I was being pulled into a traditional dance.
I didn’t know what to do so I just joined in.
I ignored the strange looks from Fijian people because I didn’t know the dance.
Finally they finished the dance and made it so I could have a look around the island.
Suddenly I realised I was in… Fiji.
I started to worry and wonder if I was going home. I realised that I still had my song in my pocket.
I still had to use it but first I need ice-cream.