I Am Freedom
By Rohini S
Published 22 September 2022
Taken for granted.
Like the bed you sleep in every night,
Unappreciated comfort.
In every sense, I am freedom.
Shrinking, a speck of gold amongst the filth.
Seven billion people.
Yet in me, special you feel.
Alone but thriving.
Unique, with purpose. Meaning. Tranquility at its pinnacle.
Your guardian of life.
Oceans, forests, deserts, I am at your feet.
Lungs reach out, grasp at purity.
Eyes indulged.
Absent of ever-changing artificial.
The dull. The eyesore. The fake.
In me, you feel alive.
Soul awakened by the song my visual majesty sings.
Beautifully destructive and unforgiving,
I answer to no one.
So stop bringing your change.