A perfect, pristine environment; so seamless, rugged and fine

Is all a pretty picture, a simple trick of the mind

For the environment is in peril, this is no mystery

In all different environments, feral animals have history

The invaders came in many ways, as stowaways, pets and stock

Each with a different attribute, imposing biological shock

Camels muddy billabongs and so do buffalo

Cats eat native critters, whose numbers are at an all-time low

Rabbits aren’t carnivorous but they graze down crops and grass

And with numbers in the billions, vegetation disappears fast

Feral pigs are really destructive, scoffing reptile’s eggs without ration

They spread disease across the country, a plague to this nation

There are goats on beaches and islands; billies, kids and nans

Eating all the shrubbery and trampling on the sands

Our unique, spectacular natives, teetering on a cliff

In danger of falling into, the forgotten chasm of myth

As they are driven, cornered and slaughtered

Aat every twist, natives thwarted 

Nothing will faze the invaders

Horrible, merciless degraders

So, if we don’t do something quickly, if we don’t do something fast

The future will be upon us, with a dark and desolate past.