It All Starts With a Seed And Ends In a Tree
By Aquaria N
Published 3 September 2021
It All Starts With a Seed And Ends In a Tree
By Aquaria Nicholas
It all starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
With over-grown branches
and leaves of dark green
When the seed unfurls
and magic works its magic work
A tree comes to plunder the Earth
whispering its wondrous words
It all starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
Along the coast without boast
Up to the top end with haste
The story of a tree was heard
The oak stretches wide and tall
And pine shoots up out of its hole
The mulberry was stubborn in its ball
while gum is taller than the wall
It all starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
That is the work of the unseen
the magic underground
Climb it if you will
touch it if you must
But remember
Make haste or you’ll miss it
It all starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
When the seed unfurls
and magic works its magic work
The water will fall
It will all change
It starts in something small
and ends in something big
It starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
Make haste
it will happen
When the crocs start snapping
and the birds start chirping
When the water falls
and the seed unfurls
And you make it bigger
you work your magic work
It all starts with something small
and ends in something big
It starts with a seed
and ends in a tree
Make haste or you’ll miss it
when we work our magic work
Together, forever and ever.