A dog’s life can be hard,
So many challenges to face each day,
So I’ll tell you a tale through the eyes
Of a dog named Avalanche Mai.

I wake at five thirty in the morning,
I wonder what will happen today,
Maybe a run, maybe a swim,
Because today is Sunday.

'Time for breakfast,' said Papa Paul.
I jump like a spring to get to the food,
It’s a chicken wing breach,
Oh how rude!

I run in the house and dash for the kitchen,
I claw open the fridge and sniff the Poulet,
I take a bite,
Because today is Sunday.

'Let’s go somewhere,' said Papa Paul.
He straps on my harness and revs the car.
'The animal park should do,
Let’s take the cat, our little shooting star.'

I weep and cry 'Why the cat?'
He always is an attention hog.
He leaves nothing for me,
And I’m left in the corner, just a sad old dog.

We’re driving along when I feel sick.
I try to look through the glass
But it came in hot,
And came out fast.

We arrive at the park but it’s extremely busy.
There are dogs and cats everywhere, running free.
I sprint to chase them.
I’m as happy as they can be.

One by one I catch them with my super-doggy-speed.
My ears flapping and tongue swinging.
I am the king of the pack
And my body isn’t even stinging.

I look around for shiny things but is see something peculiar.
The cat, Wagon Wheel, was receiving more pats than me,
So I run over, but should I squash it or eat it?
I know, I’ll chase it up a tree.

'Time to leave,' said Papa Paul.
He puts us in the car with the cat: my prey.
We headed off home,
Because today is Sunday.

'Time for bed,' said Papa Paul,
No more fun no more play.
I chew on my toy and close my eyes,
That was a nice Sunday.