Kinkaku-Ji (The Golden Temple)
By Lily X
Published 19 September 2019
Snow glittering across the sky,
Drifting upon a tower of gold,
Still and motionless,
Like photos from the past,
Carrying memories that I hold
Calm water mirrors the hushed trees and tranquil clouds
It stands: too golden, too neat, too tidy
A fairy tale castle to be explored
But, like an infinite ring, it continues an endless path
Just holding itself together, locking out all those thoughts
Supporting itself with just the help of a simple ladder
Attached to a simple handle, sometimes I’m just left there dangling,
Like when growing up, alone and forgotten
Locked in a fragile case, without a key
secrets forever trapped inside
Unable to unlock without breaking
Covered in jewels of knowledge and wisdom,
Yet I still don’t fit in,
Like a dream held captive,
Those secrets will always be kept close to me