By Lachlan H
Published 20 September 2022
Munching leaves, deadly to us
Munching, crunching, sleeping, snoring
Sleep all day, eat the rest
Fur rough and grey
Grey as the over cast sky
Jet black nose
Great, grey ears
Looking from above
In the trees they live
Great fires raging, rampaging through the land
High walls of fire, like tidal waves, wash across the sea of trees
Sand-green leaves, shrivelling down to tiny piles of ashes
Black as the mid-night sky
Homes lost, burnt to the ground
Only ash covered stumps of the once tall towering trees left
Cowering away from the scenes of destruction
Crawling across the rocky, bitumen roads
Before escape to the little forest left
Smoky smell, rumbling sound
Koala, no more