I lift the blinds and reveal the shutters
opening it just a crack,
as the sun bleeds through the glass
a desolate sound of serenity
in the chaos of my surrounds,

a flickering of lights trying to stay awake
in the early hours of dawn,
the first peak of new light breaks from a point in the crisp horizon,

a  helpless valley below of racing cars brings to a vast halt
as the green lights appear and people swarm in all directions,
somewhere to be,
places to go,
no time to keep track of time,

and my pity with grow and fester in thought
never to be found in this city.

the mug will bring us warmth and chime of aliveness
as the city can only run off brown beans and milk
to stay awake and be aware

as the click and clack of the metal wheels bump against the tracks
and the hum of an engine moves along
no complaint
no connection will be found

a glance of boredom

but the LED screen that they pull out of their suit pockets will light up bringing a sly release of tension

as the pity will grow and fester in this thought
it will become a balloon and let to fly into the atmosphere
never to be found,
never to be lost,
never in this city of:
crackled dawns
and rusty horizons hidden by skyscrapers,
and busy streets
no time to stop and slow down,
the roses were trampled on a long time a go,
a race that runs on coffee like oiled cars and subway cars that continue on endless cycles
whatever happens there is no stopping this city

but this isn’t all careless surrounds
but beauty from no beauty at all
and though i may be one
to try to change a million
there is no need i believe
because there is no changing necessary to be done
as the beauty will never be lost
never be found
never in this city...