‘Make a Change’ is an immersive poetry exhibition created by the Year 8 English and Science students at Greenacre Baptist Christian Community School. The students worked in groups of three to four to create a piece that reflected the dangers that pose a risk to our reefs. Each of these pieces were then displayed as a collection for the exhibition which was open to the school community.

They centred their piece around an object or specific idea that posed a significant risk to our reefs, i.e. plastic bags. The completed pieces were displayed in a range of forms such as sculptures, posters, paintings, virtual reality, hanging installations and digital media. Each piece was accompanied with a description and their poem. Students went to the extent of displaying their poems in the form of a song, using digital media and also through interactive means.

This exhibition is one that reflects the danger and devastation present in our environment today. It displays how passionate the next generation is in getting the message out there to start making a change.

View the full installation (text and images) here: https://redroomcompany.org/media/uploads/make_a_change.pdf