Memory Jar
By Julie S
Published 4 September 2016
Passed from great-grandma Lockrey to Granny Boon
Finally to me in its one-hundredth year,
A glass pin jar with a million moments.
Opening the jar,
Memories rise like a misty cloud.
Smells surround me,
Dragging me back to my childhood.
Perfume rises through the air
Like threads pulling memories from deep in the past.
Days of being nan’s spoilt princess.
Foot rubs, sliced apples, sneaky little chocolates and dolls in old toy bathtubs.
Memories with a taste of lemon hit my lips
Mixed with a hint of coconut.
Remembering the lemon slice snuck home from her weekly church group.
Sounds of crocheting needles clinking and clacking.
Rocking chair creaking and croaking.
Replacing the lid,
Storing memories for another day.
Pin jar becomes just another knick knack
on the shelf of a million moving memories.