I told the girl in the mirror that
I didn't like her hair
I didn't like her clothes
I didn't like her face
I didn't like her smile
I didn't like her body,
But she never listened
She always came back,
Every morning, every night.
She was always there
She didn't care that I thought she was fake,
Or that she acted better than she actually was,
She was always there.
Every time I passed the murky surface that tainted the image it produced,
She was always there.
Staring at me with her glazey eyes,
As if she could see straight through the barriers I surrounded myself with like a castle wall, protecting my true self from
She was always there
When I screamed at her,
When I reached for her
When I abused her thoughts and beliefs
She was always there
My mum, my dad, even my sibling,
Didn't, wouldn't, couldn't understand the terrors that she put me through every day
When I looked
Or even stared,
She was always there.
Judging my every move,
My every word.
She would never leave
I didn't matter if I begged her like a homeless man at the corner store,
She was always there.
Until one day
When I stared a little longer than usual and realised
The girl in the mirror
Was me.