Gift thrust above bed-sheets,
Between siblings, the middle child stood
Bed-hair, saucer-sized and sleep-filled chocolate brown eyes
Softening defiant, stubborn set of 9 year-old shoulders.

Mother’s Day Mug!
Purchased from the school stall, coins secretly scrounged,
Present smuggled between lunch wrappers and notices
Silently transferred to his hidey-hole for safekeeping.

Mummy’s supposed to know everything,
See behind wobbly smiles, through tantrums & long silences,
Know lies from truths and know one’s child,
His gift proved otherwise.

Mug esteemed above others, coffee’s embrace held fiercely
Daily reminder of promises made to a son swaddled,
A journey joined and a sanctuary of love freely given
To a boy I now know better than before.