Mr. Sausage is his name,
I know it sounds lame,
It was given this name because it is a sausage pillow, (looks like a sausage)
However, it is soft as a mellow,
With a red cover,
So no one can discover,
The things I hid,
From everyone’s eyes, I hide these things because I am a kid,
And it has lines going vertically to confuse you
I still like it even though I grew,
As you hug him at a cold night,
It will hug you back with warmth tonight,
This pillow has many memories,
I wish I could tell you all the stories,
Of my comfort and it can be used for a fort,
Late at night when I’m scared to sleep, he helps go to sleep with his warm cuddles every night,
He’s there for me like knight,
This is why I loves so much,
he makes you feel warm and helps you sleep with only one touch.
Mr Sausage is his name.
He’s a pillow.
I kept him with me for years.
This poem is an End rhyme.
This poem has personification.
I chose to do this poem because it’s very meaningful to me.

By: Brix