Where is he! where is he! We cry out in agony
He is gone, he is gone, where is he

Trix our kelpie is as big as a bloody sheep,
Always off chasing roos off the crop

We search for hours without any luck
We searched in the trees,
In the crop, In the shed,
Even in the chicken coop

Trix our kelpie is as big as a bloody sheep,
Always off chasing roos off the crop

But as all hope was lost we hear a ringing sound from the ute
So, we run to answer it falling over each other

Trix our kelpie is as big as a bloody sheep,
Always off chasing roos off the crop

He's here he's here with my girl dog
trying to make pups with my mutt
So, we all pile in the ute and head of to the neighbours

Trix our kelpie is as big as a bloody sheep,
Always off chasing roos off the crop

We found him we found him we are shouting in glee
as we grab the dog and head off home
To enjoy a big fat juicy steak
Followed by bed