Michael Clarke, the name in the game.
The fantastic cricket player with all the fame
Michael Clarke’s bat – here is it!
Too precious to ever put in a dirty pit.
The feeling is great when you hit the soft, rubbery ball;
it also creaks something quite small.
A few runs or points you see
but it grows into something big, something big to be.
The fame you get when you score 100,
back at the start with one run
if you have courage and bravery to get 100,
when you are finished it will be fun.
I’ve had the fun once against my Dad.
I was 98 and the pressure was on
until I hit the ball “PANG!”
and scored two runs, and won!
All of these dreams can happen like that,
all with this one Michael Clarke bat.
If I lost it I would be as sad as can be
but I will never lose it,
it will always stay with me.