As soft as a cushion as cuddly as a mum,
designed and created the love of my mum,
and gifted to me as a birthday present.
Sewed and knitted, smooth and fluffy,
cuddled and squeezed, when I was one.
Joyous smile always lit up on the brown, furry face.
Never crossed or vexed nor the type that is depressed,
Always reminding me the love of my mum,
sewed and knitted, smooth and fluffy.

Always being the friend who always needed.
when wretched,
comes and stands beside me.
Never says no,
nor is careless.
Kindly and graciously accepting me. 
As soft as a cushion as cuddly as a mum,
designed and created the love of my mum,
and gifted to me as a birthday present.
Sewed and knitted, smooth and fluffy,
cuddled and squeezed when I was one.