Sleek, smooth, straight
Generating rough sounds
Never ever thought
You would catapult emotions
And captivate my heart

Ever since I laid my eye on you
I was mesmerized by your power
It felt good to hold you
And soon you became
My two extended arms

You produce joy
And shaped my inner music
Although we have shared times of discord
The frustrations, anxiety and anger
You remained in my life

You created memorable experiences
Of the day together you and I
Brought happiness to frail faces
And the day when (disabled) feet sauntered
Rhythmically, Joyously, Happily

The proud tears in my mother’s eyes
When we were first applauded, a standing ovation
The joy on my father’s face
When rooms of cheers engulfed his ears
Fearful Tensions, butterflies in stomach, we’ve shared it all

Together you and I
Have created magic
And will continue to create
My companion, my friend
A shadow of self

My Drumsticks