Beneath a cloudless sky of blue
White turrets around grass overgrown,
Hills blanketed by vivid hues
This garden is my haven and my own.

Echoes of harmonic bird songs
As they chirp their dazzling melody,
All songs are perfect, none are wrong,
And I'm healed by their musical remedy.

Down to Earth are whispering rivers
Banks of pebbles and willows which withers,
Creatures swim by of all kinds
Living in any cosy home that they can find.

Like deer deep in the woodlands
And rabbits snuggled in their burrows,
Skinks basking on the shores of sand
Or nests of bluebirds and swallows.

The sweet scented flowers fill the air
As their closed buds begin to bloom,
Even in the cold times of this lair
Their petals can fold open in June.

My favourites, freesias in September
Orange, pink, violet and white,
Among other flowers I remember
That give such a pleasing sight.

Gerbera coloours of a fiery mellow
Lilies dozing on their pads,
Sunflowers admiring a star of yellow
And daisies making things less bad.

Meadows over hills, fields over meadows
Lush grass of green, pools of azure,
My personal haven which I know
I'll find serenity; so pure.

Fuelled by love, care and support
In this garden, I am free,
With myself I can build a rapport;
My sense of headspace and me.