My earring isn’t unusual to anyone who walks by,
It’s not anything fancy and looks ordinary
To the human eye it’s just a little gold stud
Its shimmering gold glistening on my ear
Goes unnoticed as I wear it everywhere
But to me it means more
Than a gold stud glistening on my ear,
It used to be my mum’s which is why I treat it with care
Given to my mum
When she was just a girl gets get handed to me
By my grandmother who hands it to me in an
Orange sequined box
My earrings flawed it has aged over time
There are dents when you look at it closer
However despite these flaws I treat it with love
I imagine my mum as a girl wearing these earrings
Bouncing with joy
Walking around with my gold studs
And people not even giving them a second glance
Is amusing to me as people don’t see
What the shimmering gold glistening on my ear
Really means to me