My Grandfather's Watch
By Delsen J
Published 4 September 2014
Stories of old and predictions of new
Cast from the fire then delivered to him
But running from death and saved from the dark.
A meaningful tear then powerful words.
The watch was a witness, never forgotten,
Its home was a wrist and not a bedside table nor mantelpiece.
But the watch was my present like a hero giving their powers,
Importance of the upmost through age and through memories.
Saved from cremation and hidden from fire,
But ten minutes slow and not missing a beat.
A slump of the old silver links,
Kept safe like the Crown Jewels of England,
Bought thirty one years ago, the birth of ADEC,
The watch is adjustable, flexible and keeps you in touch,
Nothing compares to my cold-metal heirloom.
The sound of the tick is barely noticeable,
It is perfect in every shape and form.
If Grandad was here, I would tell him he chose well.