My Granny's Box
By Bella S
Published 7 September 2017
With blue, green, yellow and pink flowers on top.
My Granny's box stands in my room next to my bed.
As I sleep I think about how my Granny used it as a child.
And then I feel safe when I have it by my side.
When I read in bed I always look at it and know that Granny is with me.
I put my special things in it like my sleeping people that lie under my pillow.
When I look at it, I feel like I am in the season of spring with all the flowers around me because of how realistic they look sitting above the box.
The soft wood sends shivers down my spine because it is like whipped cream.
I feel as if I'm in the woods and I'm sitting in the soft and silky flowers.
My Granny's box dances around the room with all the colours of the rainbow.
When I look at it I know that Granny is with me.