I have this object it is called an iPod
My iPod is shiny and black and silver
I love those two colours, they are similar to a purse
The iPod is a similar shape to a calculator
iPods are very easy to work, it looks like a camera
It weighs about 300mg which is the same as a ruler
It is smooth like new concrete being laid
My object remains the same as I look after it
They can be like a real person from my family
Which talks to me face to face
My iPod is a texting machine
If I dropped my iPod it would go BANG!
I decided to bring my object to school because it belongs to me
I came to own this object because Santa gave it to me
When I first received it off Santa I was overjoyed
I have owned my iPod for at least 2 years
I was 9 years old when I first came to it
I have changed by getting older each year
I keep my object in my room at home
My secret for object is that I have my own Password
I would like to ask my iPod “ Do I look after you?”
If my object was to be lost I would feel upset and disappointed
