My Kowy Koala
White as snow on her stomach
Her eyes black holes of love
Her skin like soft, fragile silk
I got her at school when I raised $184
She climbs up the coat hanger tree
Climb. Climb. Climb.
Sleeps with her friend Wise the owl
My Kowy Koala
She jumps on me when I’m scared at night
I find myself hugging her every night
She is alive to protect me from harm
Three claws on all of her paws
My Kowy Koala so cuddly and cute
Her ears are effective and hear everything
She is a brave Koala that fills me with happy memories
She makes a happy soul and is there when I need her
Many friends surround her and give her lots of hugs
My Kowy Koala so special to me makes me happy no matter what