This object is really special to me
But I can't explain what I can't see
Because even though you can't touch or see it
Somethings you have to love to believe it

This object is a teddy bear I own
From head to toe he's carefully sewn
He was a gift to me when I was born
He's been thrown, snatched, and even torn

But that doesn't change how much he's worth to me
He's like a never-ending miracle that only I can see
His heart inside beats in-sync with mine
Boom boom boom, always in time

The reason why he's so important to me
Is because he's always there to cuddle and comfort me
He's been with me since I was alive
And he'll still be there when I die

So that's all I've got to say about "Teddy"
And at this moment, he's at home, resting and ready