By Jack C
Published 26 September 2023
Neverending plants and animals in natural beauty glisten like gems in the beauty of the world, ignored, waiting to be cherished by humanity,
Abloom flowers shine on the banks of the rivers and ravines of the rainforests, going unnoticed by many,
Trees stand tall and profound, with their long spindly arms reaching out to the sky with their majestic bright green, luscious leaves creating the beauty of value for natural beauty within humanity
Unadorned Rock Wallabies once bounced in and out of the ravines lining the age-old trees; now they dwell in sadness, watching their homeland getting destroyed with nothing they can do
Rainforests providing a home for hundreds of thousands of animals or plants, changing their lives and rerouting them back to happiness
Ecosystems choking from rubbish carelessly dumped by millions of people yearly, causing problems for us constantly, it's hard to hold it together when you see the damage caused.