Go outside, listen to the birds, feel the wind on your skin and all your worries float away.

You hear the birds coming home from migrating, the sun beaming down on you.

You look at a tree that's about 1000 years old, you see a little bug climbing up the beautiful old oak tree, you look down, you see a couple of ants carrying a crumb bigger than themselves.

You wonder what else could be out there, you walk to the old river bank you sit just by the water and then a wallaby hops on the other side of the river bank and stares at you for a split second then hops away. You think how wonderful the world is.

Your parents say it's time to go you're so excited for your next adventure as you run to them you trip over a plastic bottle you look over another plastic bottle is there you pick both of them up and put them in the bin then you run over to your parents. That night you think about the poor animals living in this tragedy. You feel sorrow.