Natures Cinema
By Tillie P
Published 7 September 2021
I see
Stepping stones around the waters edge
Pockets of tiny spring flowers like a dusting of snow
Lily pads gracefully floating on the water’s surface
Like a movie on a big screen, I see a grand, blue ombre waterfall which captivates me for hours
No different to watching the flames of a fire
So tall and perfectly blue, I cannot see where the sky ends and the waterfall begins
Like bright lights in a cinema, the sun’s rays are beaming across the crystal clear water and flickering like sequins on a red carpet gown
I hear
A deep rumble of the water cascading down into a pool
It’s as loud as train but somehow it is calming like white noise
The chorus of the birds chirping, singing their song
Gum trees whistling in the breeze
A perfect rhythm of frogs croaking, like a percussion instrument
I smell
The perfume of the fragrant spring flowers as the sun greets and warms them
Clean fresh air of the Australian bush, tainted by the unique smell of the burnt eucalyptus from recent back burning
I feel
The cold water, lapping against my feet as I remove my shoes and sit by the waters edge
The warm sun greeting me and warming up my body from head to toe
The cool breeze softly blowing my hair, like a gentle massage
So far away from home yet so calm and relaxed
I feel so lucky to be here in this beautiful place, enjoying nature’s cinema