A child’s love for his mother woven into beads and string

Clustered beads and plastic tubes,
Alongside coloured, layered cubes

“Mum, Mum, look what I made!” the boy proudly smiled.

The Liquorice Allsorts, without the black, extracting any trace of darkness

The bliss and happiness shown through the colours of the rainbow
Little shapes of different sizes.

Created with love and care, every little bead, all the time and effort it had taken,

The happiness inside the mother could fill up an ocean.

The sparkling string, the smooth little beads and that multi-coloured liquorice

Was an act of love, the love of a child. Love that shows something so simple can hold such beauty.

The humble materials, soft and warm, made by a heart of gold.

The hands of a child, weaving string through beads, with one thought and one intention.
To show appreciation.

The pure joy and dedication put into that necklace

The clutter is comfort and the string is love. A form of devotion, a form of hope, a memory.

A miner dug, a miner dove, to dig out the perfect jewel.

A collection that shows how much he cared

She never knew those little hands could bring more joy and love than they could hold.