Uncapped and poised above a blank slate
Its tip, surprisingly soft, and tugging slightly
as it meanders across the contour of my eyelid.

It plots a silken course down the lash line. Tracing
over each strand then lazily ghosting back over its path
to sweep the delicate skin once more. Fine point,
zephyr-like, maps the convexity of the eye; wanders
over crests then into the valley cradled between the
crease and brow bone.

In the grey morning, eyes half lidded,
I sketch strong lines into my skin,
polishing an immaculate illusion.

This poem was Highly Commended (Secondary) for Poetry Object 2017

Judge's Notes:
"Ending with a great line—'polishing an immaculate illusion'—this neat poem sustains a metaphor like a joke, employing some deft, plain, quietly musical language along the way: 'Meanders across the contour of my eye'; 'It plots a silken course down the lash
line. Tracing/over each strand then lazily ghosting back over its path/to sweep the delicate skin once more. Fine point…' The poem also shows great command of the line (apt in a poem about eye-liner and mascara)."
~ Mark Tredinnick, Judge, Poetry Object 2017

Watch our Poetry Object 2017 digital exhibition: